Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cazador are Demon Spawn

Imagine a Bloatfly. Now make it twice as big, pitch black with orange wings, has a melle attack on par with baby deathclaws, attacks in a swarm of 5 or more, can take multiple shotgun blasts to the head and still have more than half it's health, and when you think you're a genius for trying to destroy it's wings and get away, guess the f*ck what.
 If it loses a wing it f*cking crawls to you with the determination of a suicide bomber. I can honestly say that even with my lvl ~13 character, I have never successfuly killed an entire encounter. It usually goes with somthing along the lines me taking out one or two with sneak attack criticals, unscope and reload, and then realize that they're figured out where I am and I have less than a second to use all of my stimpaks since I only have 1/8th of my health left.

All in all, I'm really loving Fallout New Vegas. It's almost drowned by glitches and lag, but it's still pretty fun. While I do admire that Interplay managed to stuff in so many new guns, I have noticed that there's only about 5 guns in the game that are actually Fully Automatic. Those would be the 10mm SMG, the Laser RCW(Laser rifle with about 40 shots per clip), the LMG, and 9mm SMG.

I still don't undersand the reloading bench, though.

Friday, October 8, 2010

What if half the special infected were hunters...

That would insta-kill you if they were in TF2's Backstab(Not Sidestab) range, and if they could crawl across walls and ceilings allowing them to wait for the perfect moment to drop down 3 stories, right onto your carefully coordinated squad, leap across the map, had destavating melle attacks, and could take out light scorces, making them and thier black skin(skin?) nearly invisible. Now imagine that instead of just going to third person and waiting for your teamates to help you, your controls lock, the game kills your mic, and you get to see a 7 inch long bladed tail stab your stomach, and then pulling itself out by cutting itself out horizontally. You're uncerimoniously dropped on the ground, and it skitters on all fours torwards your teamates.

Now imagine if the other half were spitters. The spitter could turn invisible, had a shoulder mounted insta-kill laser (That TOTALLY isin't overpowered at all), could set up futuristic insta-kill proximity mines(Spam. That's what's for dinner.), could jump like a hunter, and had a similar stealth kill to what I mentioned above, except with somthing along the lines of tearing off the victim's head, as well as a good chunk of the spine, and proudly pocketing the trophy.

And now imagine that the survivors are Marines with Assault Rifles, Flares, a Pathetic Melee, and an unaccurate motion sensor, that wouldn't do jack if it's moving carefully.

Now take all of it and pit the three against each other in the most terrifying Team Deathmatch you will ever play.

Then you have Aliens vs Predators.

Or, think of it this way. In a game of a 24/7 sudden death 3-way only 2Fort, with the Humans being the Soldiers (If they spot you, you're f*cked), the Aliens(The wall crawlers) are like the Spies (Intellegent use of stealth and sneaking is a must), and the Predators (Can turn invisible) are freakish, mutated DemoScouts.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just Charming

A glitch where the Charm Skill is used in the Post-Training salutes, rather than the salute itself.

Oh god, I forgot how much I love that skill. Normally when you press the triangle button, you do a quick salute, which adds all your nearby teamates to your 'network'. This allows you to see their exact location through walls etc, and from there thier status. You're warned that they've just gotten knocked unconcious, that they're dead, etc.

This is your alternative. After you've been caught by 100 playboy magazines (Which are basically mines that force anyone who walks to close to be trapped for a few seconds, until they snap out of it),  you unlock the charm skill.

Now, when you press triangle, you turn into a moving magazine. You start doing stripper moves like pelvic thrusts, and thus lolz are to be had when you sprint into a well-organized squad of 5-8 enemy players, armed to the teeth, and suddenly they're all caught just standing there watching you rub your crotch. Teamates come by, headshots are made, you net a ton of assists. (And some hate).

No, seriously. You have no idea how hilarious it is.